Complete the form to receive an emailed guide with tips on how to generate leads and increase sales for your parts and service center.
In the past decade, technology has completely reinvented how businesses reach customers. Because of this shift, dealerships can no longer rely on the same outdated tactics used in the past to generate revenue for their parts and service departments. Our experts have put together a guide to help your business generate leads and increase sales through the latest digital marketing technology.
In this guide you will learn how to:
• Utilize Segmentation Tactics, which allow you to re-activate customers at a very low cost and acquire revenue for your workshop that may be going to your competitors
• Impact customers who are actively looking for your products and services
• Improve the customer experience during their interactions with your business online
• Identify KPIs and analyse results for real-time optimization and visibility
Search Optics' Parts & Service Guide was created utilizing leading automotive digital marketing expertise. For more than 20 years and in 14 countries around the globe, Search Optics has used smarter digital marketing solutions to help automakers and dealerships achieve better results.