Search Optics’ New Inventory Layout, Pacific, Improves User Interface
We’ve all experienced them when reviewing a dealer’s website — from cluttered pages and glitches when scrolling, to the ever-spinning buffer circle, the list of interface annoyances goes on and on. For many shoppers, just one of these experiences is enough to make them leave the website in search of a more convenient one, causing that dealer to lose prospective customers.
It’s an issue that many of our dealers also faced before working with us.
To combat this, we’ve tapped into our industry experiences and research to create Pacific, the latest layout of Search Optics’ online inventory platform, Cheetah. We launched Cheetah just a few months ago to enhance user interface, improve SEO, and most important, to be fast. We’ve had overwhelmingly positive feedback. At the same time, we’ve continued to challenge ourselves to make improvements, thereby providing our dealer clients a competitive edge with new functionalities and multiple layouts to choose from.
Pacific still possesses many of the same features that have made Cheetah’s original inventory layout, Atlantic, a success, such as the ability to switch between Listing & Grid view, customizable feature links, and expanded vehicle image & video galleries. However, it introduces many updates to its listing and details pages, such as:
Inventory Listings Page
- Enhanced collapsible search tool
- Graphic module links
- Available packages listings
Vehicle Details Page
- All new, larger vehicle image gallery
- Ability to choose Quick Quote, Request Pricing, and Schedule a Test Drive in one form
- Collapsible vehicle summary tabs
- Prominent dealer logo and contact information

We’re constantly researching new ways to help dealers stay ahead of the pack, which ultimately improves their bottom lines. If there are other dealers whose sites are faster, more useful, more organized, or easier to navigate, shoppers will flock there. The only way to beat those websites is to be those websites.
For more details, contact a client service representative at (888) 509-9911.
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