For Optimal Internet Marketing Results : Measure, Measure, Measure
Courtesy of Automotive Digest – Like it or not, Internet marketing is part of your business today, and is going to be a more important part of it tomorrow. You expect print and broadcast advertising to generate quality leads, why expect anything less of your Website?
Look, everyone in the automotive retailing business can tell you at least one Internet marketing horror story. It almost always involves a slick sales pitch with lots of charts and graphics, an ample amount of arcane jargon, and a whopping big bill followed by nothing much at all.
As I said in the beginning, successful Internet marketing is not magic, and it’s not hard to understand. Keeping the myths away from your bottom line is as easy as:
1. Approach Internet marketing as you would any other business decision
2. Set performance expectations based on phone contacts from motivated buyers
3. Track the results so you can make even smarter decisions in the future
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